Firefox Is Hot by MaDonna

Designed by MaDonna

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Firefox Is Hot by MaDonna on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.75
All time rating average: 4.75

Rating filters

5 star
75% (6)
4 star
25% (2)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Comment
2019-05-19 Dobke
2019-05-10 Firefox user 10636698
2018-04-09 Álvaro Enrique
2018-03-23 affairflame
2018-01-04 gracewliu
2014-03-02 BeansO Firefox 'Is' Hot! Thank you, MaDonna, for yet another personal favorite found while browsing your many varied & wonderful creations. :) It's subtle gradient shifts from right to left, and back the opposite way to bring out a textural "comfort" for the viewer, drawing the eyes back again and again. Yours is our first theme selected for a new portable browser. Thank you for that! :-D
2012-09-01 Pastor: Adriano Felipe Esse tema do Firefox é D+ mesmo, muito legal, gostei! Parabéns à equipe do Mozilla Firefox!
2012-08-22 LooneyTuneyWolfy Like it, did a great job. Nice blend of colors and everything is easy to see. Does not make reading bookmarks and tabs harder and on a slightly less important bit it seems to match well with most bookmark Icons.(Of mine at the least)