Extensions Manager Pro

Upgrade your browsing with Extension Manager addon. Easily manage your extensions. Install now and take control of your extensions!

Total ratings

1.45 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Extensions Manager Pro on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 1.45

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80% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-12-29 Firefox user 16877631 Не работает. Не сохраняет настройки.
2024-12-17 Firefox user 5721899
2024-02-26 Firefox user 16634215 Same as of everybody. DOES NOT WORK AT ALL. Nothing happens when clicking on the switches to enable/disable. Additionnally the frame is very poorly conceived, with scrollbar overflow and a web view frame way to big for nothing, which goes againt the VERY purpose of the extension. The purpose of such an extension is to make less actions to disable an extension, not make more. Stupid.
2024-02-17 Perpetualoop It does not work as it should. The interface is too big. Turning an extension off through it does nothing to the actual extension. Useless
2023-09-11 Firefox user 18051024 没用,刷新页面就能发现,还是启动的
2023-08-06 FeFDBi Just an ugly frame, doesn't do anything.
2023-07-26 Firefox user 15117876 This is far from the expected behavior
2023-07-14 Protey Не работает, перезапуск браузера не помогает
2023-05-03 Firefox user 17844999 Ciao, on my Firefox it doesn't work, I closed and reopened the browser but it doesn't work. The graphics should be improved to have a better view when you have so many extensions.
2023-03-19 Rezway Неработающее расширение. Настройки не сохраняются.