Tabs manager

With this extension handle your opened tabs, order them by title or url, find duplicated ones matching the same urls.

Total ratings

3.87 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Tabs manager on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.87
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-24 天灭中共退党团队保平安
2022-12-25 Hollytryx
2022-12-24 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2021-05-27 Firefox user 13453075 Tried it as i couldn't find the previous app. I just definitely lost my 1500 tabs by closing the hundred which were supposed to be double. Before that, for some reason when i wanted the list of the double, it re arranged all my tab. Now i have to start again and some website are lost as i can't "open back closed tab". Well i can, i just won't open the child tab and tab that weren't open at that time.
2020-02-16 Firefox user 15428967
2020-01-25 grahamperrin Sorting seems to be non-effective with extensions such as the ones below: Tab Sidebar Vertical Tabs Reloaded Visual Tabs Do those extensions lack what's required? (Are you aware of an alternative vertical tabs extension that might work with Tabs Manager?) Thank you ---- Past reviews, in the Wayback Machine:
2019-10-16 Dook What does "Close all trusted" mean?
2019-03-26 Firefox user 13465772 I really like this plugin: does what it has to, simply and easy. Edit : version 1.7 solved a small issue version 1.6 of the plugin had with Waterfox, François solved it swiftly, so thank you very much for that. It's working perfect, as it did before.
2019-02-27 Firefox user 13439925 Ever since Firefox 63 was released, this addon causes Firefox to become unresponsive with a huge memory leak when opening a large amount of tabs from a session restore. In most cases, the memory leak is so severe that my system starts swapping non-stop even though i have 4GB or RAM and the firefox process needs to be killed in order to get my computer to respond properly again. Apparently, there was a change in the way Firefox opens tabs on startup with a new "discarded" property for lazy loading which causes issues with most addons dealing with tabs that havent been updated yet. A workaround for this issue is to temporarily disable this addon before clicking on the button to restore tabs and to turn it back on once the tabs are loaded. Other than that, this addon works great in sorting multiple tabs and closing duplicate tabs opened in error. I have no problem updating my review once this addon is updated to work with Firefox 63 or higher.
2018-11-18 oxk4r What about a shortcut and an autosort option? Regards.
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