
Identifies fake-news links on Drudge Report by replacing them with a small icon and a smaller font, and adds link statistics to the bottom of the page with the number of links for each particular domain.

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2.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Drudge-Fakenews on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 2.60

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Date Author Rating Comment
2020-06-28 mareval The fact that it only has 6 users should tell you something. This is a "joke" add-in that at the same promotes the Alt-Right hate group's conspiracy theories.
2019-03-21 Firefox user 14709242 Maybe this just needs to be updated, but it highlighted every single source as #FakeNews which I find hard to believe. If ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, etc. are all fake news then the state of media is in rough shape.
2019-03-07 Firefox user 14679393
2018-05-13 grahamperrin Ha ha … I never heard of Drudge Report before today. Credit to https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/2661 for placing Drudge-FakeNews amongst results of a search for an alternative to ReFont https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/refont/ :-) I might have suggested expanding the scope of Drudge-FakeNews to cover drudgereport.co.uk – a couple of years ago https://web.archive.org/web/20160109221533/http://drudgereport.co.uk/ it bore a resemblance to Drudge Report – but now the co.uk site is entirely trustworthy, free from fakery. Plus, no adverting – https://redd.it/8j3txy – what's not to like?
2017-06-15 Deju I am U.S.N. Disabled Veteran, Oath Keeper, Constitutionalists. I love Drudge, Infowars, and several others. I love this addon, it gives me quick access to news that I can actually believe. It is easy too, for a ole cripple salt, like myself. Thank you for keeping it simple. would and am recommending it to my friends and family.