
Configurable extension that allows the download of all media of a particular type (PDF/MP3 etc) using the context menu.

Total ratings

2.52 (Rating count: 25)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and effective
  • Works for downloading specific types of media (e.g., MP3, PDF, JPG)
  • Ability to download multiple files of a particular type
  • Open-source, allowing for user modifications
  • Crashes Firefox when downloading large amounts of media
  • Doesn't work correctly for many users
  • Lacks a user interface and status updates
  • Difficult to deploy and use based on unclear instructions
  • Files downloaded have unreadable names due to space replacement with '%20'
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work for many users
  • Crashes Firefox when attempting to download multiple files
  • Simplicity is both a pro and a con depending on user preference
  • Files downloaded have issues with naming
  • Open-source nature allows for community improvements
See reviews for DownloadMedia on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 2.52
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Rating filters

5 star
28% (8)
4 star
10% (3)
3 star
7% (2)
2 star
3% (1)
1 star
52% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-11 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-11-27 NietEenDoktor This needs a selection mechanism or something. "DownloadMedia > MP3" opened 250+ download windows and crashed firefox. It might work on pages with less media, but on pages with a lot, it's not very useful.
2024-06-28 Евлампий Нихрена неработает. Думал в ВК будет скачивать медиа - неугадал.
2024-06-22 Dajova
2024-06-05 Добрый Инквизитор
2024-02-17 Firefox user 15697722 doesn't work **update: yes I considered reviewing, after eading the readme file, the download audio never worked for me on any platform
2023-12-21 Firefox user 15141676
2023-08-01 404_11 This extension does not work, doesn't even let me pin it.
2023-06-02 Firefox user 12595732
2022-12-27 翻墙部落 欢迎光临翻墙部落! 打开天窗,听听外面的声音! 穿越迷雾,寻找人生真谛!
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