Dont Open Duplicate Tabs

Addon, to prevent the opening of tabs with urls, which are already opened (in the same context)

Total ratings

4.47 (Rating count: 17)
See reviews for Dont Open Duplicate Tabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-08-22 Tim
2024-08-15 x a
2024-08-13 Shajirr update: The issue with addon closing non-duplicates seems to be resolved. Working as intended now. I also noticed a weird interaction between notifications. Seems like first notification received will cancel all the others when it expires. So for example, if second and any subsequent notifications are shown just before first one expires, they will all be closed almost instantly.
2024-01-20 ploedman Great Addon, only thing missing is the Option to Ignore Pinned Tabs.
2023-06-02 tong+ Nice add-on. Only works if the duplicating tab is in the same browser's window. It would be great if the add-on can also detect duplicating tab on other window and change focus to those tab as well.
2023-03-06 sk
2023-01-09 Firefox user 17477884
2023-01-05 Hollytryx
2022-12-11 Firefox user 14234915 Thanks! It's got useful options
2022-12-10 Claudiu
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