Discard Tab

Discard tabs to free up resources

Total ratings

4.88 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Discard Tab on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.88
All time rating average: 4.88

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5 star
88% (7)
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13% (1)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-18 敬念法轮大法好远离疫情
2025-02-15 hkpd
2023-03-07 unix rust Thank you! Very good, useful smaller extension! In my essentials list. Yes, I know of other 'discard' extensions. I've settled on 'Total Suspender' for now. 'Auto Tab Discard' is good but has some annoyances I can't stand anymore. I should communicate/feedback with that great developer and tell about them. Godspeed! PS Shortcut feature is essential too!
2021-09-11 erikovick sometimes discarded tabs addresses overlap i.e. tab (www.google.com) tab b (www.wiki.org) after a while the tab a is (google.com) and tab b is (google.com)
2021-09-09 Benyamin Limanto This is simple addons to discard tab with shortcut ability, great! Thanks
2020-11-27 Crumb
2020-11-04 Firefox user 13481585
2020-08-09 Vedun