Developer simple

A simple firefox developer theme

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Developer simple on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.71
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Rating filters

5 star
71% (10)
4 star
29% (4)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Comment
2021-11-04 Firefox user 15204146 Best Firefox Developer Edition theme that has been crafted. Love it 💖
2021-08-19 Sick_Ikon
2021-06-10 Shaundi I love this design. If you could make one that had a lighter look to it in the address bar, the active tab was a different color instead of the outline, and you had a light theme for the page instead of dark, it would be absolutely perfect for me. Nice job, really beats most of the others with the fox logo. The placement is good too because it doesn't interfere with the private tab icon or anything.
2020-07-29 pawsondemand Nice
2020-07-12 digitalseraph
2020-05-25 Firefox user 14273799 Hola tarda mucho por intalar
2020-04-28 isBrandino
2020-03-13 Firefox user 14157720
2020-03-11 jmellicant
2020-03-08 Aaron Saunders
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