DuckDuckGo !bangs but Faster

Firefox addon that improves page load time when using !bangs

Total ratings

4.88 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for DuckDuckGo !bangs but Faster on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-18 退出中共邪教党团队保命
2025-01-06 Vitaly Zdanevich
2024-03-11 Firefox user 18323704 It's a great extension, I appreciate it a lot, though the statement that it supports all DuckDuckGo !bangs is false. It may have been true in the past, but now more bangs got added, and it doesn't support them. Take for example !gpo, a web I use often. I'd love to see this extension updated for the new bangs, if it isn't much trouble to the dev(s).
2023-06-12 Valerio Iacobucci
2023-03-07 RenzoBenzo Works great and quickly as the description claims. 5/5
2022-12-09 catlop
2022-11-09 GradualSamurai Perfect. Really makes you wonder why this isn't the default functionality.
2022-10-31 Steveplays
2022-01-18 JustAFieryFox
2022-01-02 Firefox user 14974917 Works excellently, no brainer fo DuckDuckGo users
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