Dark Vintage Filigree Theme

Dark Vintage Filigree style Firefox theme.

Total ratings

4.04 (Rating count: 28)
See reviews for Dark Vintage Filigree Theme on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.04
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-08-16 Dmytro In fact, this is a very aesthetic and beautiful theme that does not interfere with working with browser tabs. However, it seems that it is not designed for 27-inch monitors. Since the image is at the top (where the tabs are), it doesn't take up all the space. Therefore the remaining space is filled with a pale purple color.
2024-02-05 SaraDove
2023-11-06 Firefox user 15537275
2023-05-23 Sprotthopper Classy and works well with menu readability.
2022-09-23 Alba Amo este tema, es super bonito y elegante
2022-08-27 kitsubabe love it :) though i'd love a version that gives the firefox menu pages (add-on manager, settings etc) a dark background as well
2021-10-23 IgorisA
2021-09-16 Firefox user 16626020
2021-03-29 NSH
2020-11-28 caligio
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