Reviews of Daily Tabs with delay and sync

List of user reviews and ratings for Daily Tabs with delay and sync

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3.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Daily Tabs with delay and sync on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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All time rating average: 3.00

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2024-11-23 crap > /dev/null Stopped working after the update from yesterday. Clicking on the toolbar button does nothing. Reporting with a negative review here because I don't see any place to report bugs. ---- After experimenting a bit, saving a url and moving it to another day (today) seems to have fixed the saved configuration and make it work again. This is similar to another issue I experienced with there where it would only saving config for one day correctly and then crash Firefox. So I had to go saving Monday, crashing, saving Tuesday, crashing firefox and so on until whole config worked and crashing stopped. Please improve this area of code as this is the second time I have encountered such issues. Bumping rating back up a bit. ---- Spoke too soon. This crashes firefox 1. Add one url to Monday, twice (by mistake). 2. Close firefox 3. Open firefox 4. Go to preferences 5. Remove one copy of the URLs from Monday. 6. Firefox crashes. :'(