Custom New Tab Page

Specify a custom URL to be shown when opening a new tab, **without changing the address bar content**.

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 82)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Allows customization of the new tab page to specific URLs
  • Clears the URL bar when opening a new tab
  • Offers dark mode/light mode options
  • Does not pollute the address bar with previous searches
  • Easy to configure and works reliably
  • Causes browser crashes when changing themes
  • Has issues with X-Frame related errors
  • Dependency on the extension due to Mozilla's restrictions on new tab customization
Most mentioned
  • Customization of the new tab URL
  • Clearing the URL bar when opening a new tab
  • Stability and functionality of the extension
  • Dark mode functionality
  • Browser crashes related to theme changes
See reviews for Custom New Tab Page on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.29
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Rating filters

5 star
74% (62)
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6% (5)
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10% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-18 Ra Shoe Does exactly what I want it to do, I use this to make a "spacer" tab with my vertical tabs (since I have so many...), and I can set the title of the new tab to be a nice, visual "—————" instead of "about:newtab", which makes browsing through my long list of tabs much easier! Plus, the author's website at looks super professional and works extremely well as a new tab page!
2025-02-10 退出中共邪教党团队避疫
2025-01-24 kuroki
2025-01-07 Geoffrey De Belie Very nice
2024-12-03 soappguy
2024-10-26 superyeti Thanks this works. if someone is seeing an error about X-Frame, dont forget to go to the extension settings and enable "Remove Iframe header" option
2024-10-19 Neon
2024-09-12 erdnuesse Okay for the feature, but changing the theme hard crashes the browser. Just cut the functionality, it's not needed but killing off potential work is just a disaster of an extension.
2024-08-28 Firefox user 15170309 The best tool that works perfectly. It is no exaggeration to say that there is a Firefox add-on market just for this.
2024-08-07 Firefox user 12781457 Firefox can't open this page To protect your security, ..... doesn't allow Firefox to show the page if another website has embedded it. To view this page, you must open it in a new window.
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