Count Tabs

Displays the number of open tabs.

Total ratings

4.03 (Rating count: 29)

Review summary

  • Simple and straightforward functionality that counts tabs accurately.
  • Helps users keep track of tab over-population effectively.
  • Clean design and discreet appearance in the browser interface.
  • Occasional bugs where it does not show the tab count consistently.
  • No user preferences or configuration options available.
  • Small font size and limited color contrast for the tab count display.
Most mentioned
  • The need for customization options such as font size and color.
  • Bugs related to inconsistent tab count display.
  • Performance issues when many tabs are opened, leading to Firefox hanging.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Count Tabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.03
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Rating filters

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55% (17)
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19% (6)
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10% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-24 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2025-03-06 Florin Linux
2025-02-21 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-10-12 Varniit Hey man sienori, I am using your other addons for years and had a pleasant experience but recently discovered about this addon for Firefox and gecko-based Firefox browsers. Unfortunately, this works sometimes and has bugs. Sometimes it shows number, sometimes it doesn't regardless I am on a blank tab or any working tab. Also, allow us to increase the size of the number font and color. Keep it updated with new Firefox versions. Allow us to see more info when clicking on it like "Chrome Tab Counter" addon on chrome store does. Also, bring one for chrome users. Thanks.
2024-08-13 Ovsyanka
2024-05-27 CarlosTorch
2022-12-24 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-08-15 Puffin Counts only number of tabs of current browser-window.
2022-08-01 pelle
2022-07-20 robsku
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