
Stores a markdown (HTML, MediaWiki, Textile…) hyperlink with selected text as linktext and the URL from the address bar as hyperlink, into clipboard. on select "illustrative" and get: [illustrative](

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4.50 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for copytextandurl on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Comment
2019-12-24 Firefox user 14392904 Could you please suggest a way to split $LINKTEXT and $URL by plaintext newline symbol, smth like \r\n or anything like that. Expected result: "Quoted text." I've patched a record in profile/storage-sync.sqlite: default/addon@klml.dekey-template{"id":"key-template","key":"template","data":"\"$LINKTEXT\"\n$URL" but I am looking for more convenient way to get the same result. Thank you.
2019-12-10 Firefox user 15486451 It is helpfully for me. I hope you will erase the bracket sign [] and (). Or make it as an option for user. Thanks