Copy Tabs

Copy tabs as hyperlinks or as plaintext URLs, similar to MS Edge, but actually even better since this addons supports copying mutliple tabs at the same time.

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4.80 (Rating count: 20)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.80
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-01-21 bbucommander Works great for my use case - copying the URL of the current tab using a keyboard shortcut! To do this, go to Add-ons -> gear (upper right) -> Manage Extension Shortcuts, then set keyboard shortcut for "Selected Tabs as Links" (I suggest the one without the scissors to avoid removing important query parameters from URLs). It can also copy all tabs as links, which I'm sure will come in handy down the road when sharing lots of links at once.
2024-12-21 es-rene99 Just what I needed, thank you!
2024-12-01 JavierCane
2024-09-11 Firefox user 18590822 Good, I think this is one of the bests so far after a day of playing with it. I like you can use Left or Middle Mouse Buttons on the Add-on icon, and switch them (on preferences), so you can Left click and just copy the "Immediate action" text/link, which you can also customize (e.g. to be the current page URL with stripped parameters; customize immediate action with Right icon click). (Dev moto is KISS, but, the add-on is not really that KISS lol) Now, I wonder how this could be adapted on Firefox Mobile...
2024-08-15 x a
2024-07-30 Cicada4242
2024-07-23 Firefox user 18367869
2024-06-05 J Allen Copies / pastes links with the page name instead of the raw URL. Just like Edge, but with lots more options. Exactly what I was looking for.
2024-03-15 Gluttony 4 stars because its great but it seems there is a missing feature for me, that is to copy tab we right clicked on, whichever the one selected, I submitted a feature request for this, let see where it goes.
2023-12-06 Itaru ロケーションバーからリンクとしてコピーできる機能は、私が Edge で最も気に入っている機能で、このためだけに Edge を起動することがありました。この拡張機能のおかげで、Firefox と Edge を往復する必要がなくなり、とても便利になりました。 Edge の場合、ロケーションバーから直接、リンクとしてコピーできますが、さすがにその挙動を再現することはできないようです。
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