Copilot Launcher Button

A very simple launcher that adds a Copilot button to the toolbar. When you click the button, the Microsoft Copilot website will open in a new tab.

Total ratings

4.23 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for Copilot Launcher Button on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.23

Rating filters

5 star
75% (6)
4 star
3 star
13% (1)
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1 star
13% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-04 Firefox user 17644249
2025-01-31 Firefox user 11833568 Thanks! It works. @Firefox user 14020418: You need to right-click and choose "Pin to Toolbar".
2024-12-28 emanuelegori A simple button to quickly call up Copilot
2024-11-15 Firefox user 18685873 lubię
2024-10-08 Firefox user 17141374 I was using this nice little launcher button for a long time but then Copilot updated their UI (which looks and functions extremely badly). Please edit this Launcher Button so that the URL redirects to: (which is the old Copilot UI).
2024-10-07 Firefox user 14020418 Molto male, il bottone non compare e non è possibile neanche selezionare il testo da includere. a che serve?
2024-09-11 Yan Chen
2024-07-13 buskees Zeer handige snelkoppeling naar CoPilot van MS. Een superhandige vraagbaak op AI basis!