Color Tailor

Dynamic theme that uses the current website's "primary" color

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4.71 (Rating count: 17)
See reviews for Color Tailor on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.71
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82% (14)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-05-29 Firefox user 14030674
2023-03-28 Claudiu
2023-03-23 Hesam
2023-01-15 alv4 Love it! Does what it says!
2022-07-08 l0drex Great idea, but please respect the dark mode preference of the theme-mode tag. Also, the fallback should be the system theme.
2020-04-18 MKT0 Does what it says it does. A good way to theme your firefox when using CSD.
2019-12-31 João Alexandre I love this extension. It changes the colour of the tabs - and basically firefox theme - to match the colour of the website you're browsing. So if you're browsing through (a learning website), the tab/theme colors are yellow, if you browse the Firefox addons site (where you're reading this), it's dark purple, etc. Check out the developer's other extensions (click on his name Danny Guo), like Chromatastic: it's similar to this add-on but instead of "tailoring" color according to the website you're browsing, it very subtly, and gradually, changes colors through a range. I'm going to rotate through them from time to time since I don't know which one to pick, they're so cool. Thanks to the developer, hats off to you, good sir.
2019-09-22 Andreas
2019-08-26 Firefox user 15232283 It would be cool if we could choose the default color. Congratulations on this great work.
2019-08-06 Daniel
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