Auto saves text copied to clipboard.
Context menu buttons: Helper copy/save - text, page url, link url, image url.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-01 | 远离中共邪教快退出党团队 | ||
2023-01-05 | Hollytryx | ||
2020-12-07 | a142857 | Can you only display 30 items? Can you show more | |
2018-12-28 | grahamperrin | Version 2.0: - Firefox 64.0 with KDE Plasma on FreeBSD-CURRENT, Alt-Click (as instructed) does not delete; it seems to be a desktop environment default for moving a window - Waterfox 56.2.6, the sidebar is present but most features seem to not work. If you can, allow shortcuts to be customisable. If not customisable, then please add a context menu item for deletion of a box. Waterfox 56 was based on Firefox 56.0.2. Does version 2.0 of the extension truly work with Firefox 42.0 and later? | |
2018-12-20 | Mr_Rubot | I am finding this very useful. My only complaint is the ON button. Clicking on ON turns activity OFF. I keep forgetting that. I have the same requests as I did with your Sidebar Buttons: add toggle to the toolbar icon and allow background color change. Ideas to consider: Different background color for pinned and notes boxes. Replace the activity buttons text with icons. See: Edit2: I realize the intent of the ON button and did not mean for you to reverse the text. Maybe switching to Active/Inactive would be more comprehensible to new users. I have a large icon collection from when I did full skins for Opera (2004-2012). The quick mock-up used icons from several sources. I will put together a selection for you from unrestricted sources. What size would you prefer? Edit3: Cleaner icons, Non-premium from Some with my mods. I did 24x24 since that worked for "Sidebar buttons". Separate icons & extras: 16px by 16px icons: Edit4: More 24x24 icons for activity toggle. Weigh the difference of text menu w/16px icons to 24px icon menu with tool tips. If you want 16px icons, CSS can easily resize 24px icons. I am using some 60x60 icons with "Sidebar buttons" with no problems. Edit5: New inactive icons & add box with slightly bigger+ There is a 1px white border around the entire sidebar. Can the icons be lowered a couple px and centered vertically in the top bar? Leaving off the info button is not a problem. I have the add-on icon on my vert toolbar. Color pickers for the boxes are not necessary. I have a slight preference for activity toggle #7 but it is your program and your choice! You should add your byline on the second line of the info page. Best Regards | |
2018-11-12 | Firefox user 14315448 | Really useful, however I would like to be able to remove the sound when you copy something |