Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android

Sets the Useragent of Firefox Android to Chrome whilst browsing Google's search. This provides the more feature rich Webkit experience. Source Code is available here:
Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android is a Firefox add-on that allows users to set their Useragent to Chrome when browsing Google search. This add-on provides a more feature-rich Webkit experience on Firefox Android.
Manifest V2
Daily users: 76
Version: 1.3resigned1 (Last updated: 2024-04-25)
Version code: 5727821
Creation date: 2017-03-30
Weekly download count: 1
Firefox on Android: Yes
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • *://**
  • See more
Size: 35.15K
Updated: a day ago

User reviews

No longer works for me at least. Newer one that still works: "Useragent Changer to FF iOS on Google"
View all user reviews

Add-on safety

Risk impact

Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android requires a lot of sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Grants access to browser tabs, which can be used to track user browsing habits and history, presenting a privacy concern.
  • Critical ******* ****** ** *** ********* ******** *********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** *********** ********** ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ******* ****** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ****** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ****** ****** ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ****** ******* ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ****** ******* ****** ****** ********** ******* ****** ******* ****** ****** ******* ********** ********** ****** ****** *****
Risk likelihood

Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
  • Low **** ********* *** ******* **** **** * ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Good **** ********* *** **** **** *******
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Similar add-ons

Here are some Firefox add-ons that are similar to Chrome UA on Google for Firefox Android: