To Do List

Simple and attractive To-Do-List helps to improve your productivity and also provide some basic informations.

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4.79 (Rating count: 14)
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Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.79
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79% (11)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-24 退出党团队远离中共邪教
2023-07-14 ldj It's exactly what I was looking for, very small and light-weight. My only complaint is that the design is not flexible enough for different screen resolutions - I've got the trash can hovering over my text with a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom.
2023-05-01 St.Vitus Done lovely! Works great for me. Even my boy likes it. Go on "Singh-ing" (develop your skills) !
2023-02-25 Lannuser The extension has a non-transparent icon, which means it doesn't really look good if you're using a dark mode. I hope the developer can adjust this by updating the icon to a PNG file. Another thing is that you can't really move the tasks once they're added. Being able to drag tasks up and down would be a good addition to the otherwise great extension.
2022-05-25 Firefox user 17427021 In general very nice and easy. But it really needs an Edit button for every task and buttons to rearrange the tasks (up or down). Additionally a possibility to save tasks in groups, so that you can just click on learn and all tasks are there (maybe tabs on the top for the activated groups?).
2022-05-13 Firefox user 13471663 Good addon, thx for this
2021-11-29 Anurag Kumar Very useful add on
2021-10-29 Firefox user 17100508 its very helpful and amazing
2021-10-29 Subhranshu A great utility to keep ourselves on track. Great work devs :)
2021-10-29 Deergh This so good, it's really helpful for my day to day work, helps to make my schedule organize and productive
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