Bring Twitter Back

Turns X back to Twitter by replacing all instances of the logo, replacing the new names ("post," "repost," etc.) with their old ones, and replacing the "X" name with "Twitter" on tabs and on the website.

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 30)

Review summary

  • Conceptually appealing
  • Works for some users as intended
  • Provides a humorous angle on text replacement
  • Aggressive and sometimes inappropriate text replacement
  • Stopped working for some users
  • Not compatible with multiple accounts
  • Limited language support
Most mentioned
  • Aggressive text replacement
  • Functionality issues with accounts
  • Stopped working after certain dates
  • Inability to change specific URLs
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Bring Twitter Back on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.07
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Rating filters

5 star
50% (11)
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18% (4)
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-01-29 wanwihwa.t
2025-01-16 Xander It works, but the Tweet button is still black. Also it would be preferable if it changed the Grok logo to the previous Grok logo.
2024-11-06 Master543 Works, but some things like "Undo Repost" arent changed.
2024-10-15 Firefox user 11509466
2024-09-11 rob Stopped working as of 11/09/2024, URL changed back to
2024-07-25 Kekvit Irae This used to be good, but it takes a heavyhanded approach to replacing X with Twitter. Example: I follow a lot of Final Fantasy XIV stuff, and when people use XIV the addon hilariously changes it to TwitterIV
2024-07-17 Phone not all heroes wear capes
2024-07-04 Felix
2024-07-01 PToonen I like the concept, although it needs some refinement. The text replacement is a bit too aggressive, and I am reading Tweets about "twitterBox" and "Windows twitterP". Maybe make it a bit more smart by at least only replacing the capital X when it is followed by whitespace or punctuation?
2024-06-16 Mozart Works as it should, but an amusing side effect is when it replaces all instances of "X" with "twitter" in posts, it ends up replacing an actual character who is NAMED "X" with "twitter". The add-on did not do that before, I was surprised.
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