Better Youtube Plus

Better Youtube + works to improve the Youtube experience.

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Better Youtube Plus on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.67

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67% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
2020-05-09 Debatably Creative only thing missing is the ability to see what the volume is when scrolling. Outside of that, works. Some of them for chrome like item odhhfodnkaidhocaaaokdofhkoiahpbn (just search that) could likely strip out the code they use. That's what i rock with on chrome. also adding this would be nice YouTube NonStop (theres one for both chrome and ff)
2019-10-04 Firefox user 14441191
2018-09-02 Firefox user 14260855 The toggling of replays is super helpful, it was so slow before!