Bookmark Current Tab Set

Adds options to bookmark all tabs in a window without opening a dialog and store them in a new bookmark folder under "Other Bookmarks" that is given the current date and time as its name.

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2025-03-20 退出党团队远离中共恶魔
2019-05-13 Firefox user 14973322 I did get the thin-line star, and hovering over it I get "Bookmark Current Tab Set", but it does not store a tab set under "Other Bookmarks" or any where else that I am aware of. I am using 32 bit firefox 66 on a Windows 7 system. I just updated from firefox 56. The extension shows up twice in the add-on/extensions list, once with a black plug-in logo and once with a green plug-in logo. I was so looking forward to this add-in after the forced and disappointing "upgrade" to the quantum engine. And, yes, I did restart firefox. I am a regular guy, but how can I help you getting this extension running reliably?
2019-02-27 ig It did not work for me.
2018-06-24 Firefox user 14115805 Great that someone has tried to update this wonderful add-on for the latest version of Firefox.. Sadly not working yet for me. Come back jkasprzak!! Happy to update this review if add-on updated.