Auto Text Expander

Create custom keyboard shortcuts to expand and replace text as you type!

Total ratings

3.36 (Rating count: 44)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Firefox Browser Add-ons does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Helps with repetitive tasks
  • Works in some text fields and search engines
  • Allows unlimited shortcuts
  • Unreliable performance, often doesn't work
  • Issues with popular sites like Google Docs, Facebook, and Discord
  • Data storage limit prevents adding more shortcuts
  • JQuery injection causes unwanted console activity
  • Difficult to remove or reset stored data
Most mentioned
  • Does not work in many popular applications and websites
  • Unreliable and inconsistent performance
  • Data storage limitations hinder usability
  • Requires more effective updating and compatibility adjustments
  • Would benefit from a hotkey feature for easier access
See reviews for Auto Text Expander on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.36
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (20)
4 star
11% (5)
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11% (5)
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7% (3)
1 star
27% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-18 soadfan Unreliable, works whenever it wants.
2025-02-10 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2024-12-19 Margaret S Was looking for a replacement for TextBlaze after switching from Chrome to Firefox. This did not work in Google Docs in Firefox, which was the main place I needed it.
2024-10-07 TaylorKing Doesn't work properly; adds 3 of the shortcut
2024-09-11 Firefox user 18591351
2024-04-23 Jo Li KMC I recently switched web browsers due to some… irritations… and I was hoping to find an Addon like "Text Blaze" for Google Chrome. I've gotten very accustomed to having my text "expanded" as it does on mobile devices, and I find the feature very handy. Sadly, this Addon doesn't suit that need at all. Sometimes, it works. It seemed to operate just fine under search engines like Google and other simple forms, and it works well under its own "try it here" form. Most times, however, it doesn't work at all. Noteworthy examples of this are Online Notepad, Discord, and this very review form. Please remedy this and get back to us. Thank you.
2023-10-31 Dizlol
2023-08-23 Midnight
2023-08-13 Darvin Atkeson Seems to work just fine in the test area but can't get it to work with Facebook or even in this text box for the review. Needs work. Would also prefer a hot key to make it activate instead. For instance, type any word and hit a F3 or other designated key. This would allow you to use common words and have them activate only when you wanted. Alternative it could popup a dialog on hot words and you hit TAB to enter the auto text. Using common words would make it simpler. But right now, it just doesn't work at all. :(
2023-06-11 Lemons22 Addon is busted, but probably in a way that most don't care about...but I do! It claims to be able to "Store unlimited amount of client-side data" HOWEVER there is a limit on how much data it can store obviously cause I have run into that damn limit and I can't create any more shortcuts. REMOVE THIS LIMIT or at least greatly raise the upper limit cause we are probably talking about megabytes here I don't know why the limit is so harsh.
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