Auto-reduce Tabs

Close tabs before getting too many; Forcibly limits the number of tabs. You can change the limit.

Total ratings

3.17 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Auto-reduce Tabs on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.17
All time rating average: 3.17

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17% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-17 退出中共邪教党团队保命
2019-08-06 Firefox user 13119159 A pretty clunky way to handle the issue. No options other than setting a maximum number of open tabs. Once max is reached, oldest tabs begin to close automatically with no way to recover them. Tab Wrangler is a MUCH more elegant solution.
2018-11-27 NextGenThemes
2017-12-08 PERCE-NEIGE It's a good idea, but we should be able to save the tabs also.
2017-08-18 Hazon Rather than preventing new tabs from being created like Max Tabs, older tabs are closed when the limit is reached. The limit is global so background windows may lose their tabs.
2016-10-06 FireCar Does not work at all on FF Android. Could open website after install.