Auto Cursor

A productivity tool to automatically select the first visible text input.

Total ratings

3.14 (Rating count: 7)
See reviews for Auto Cursor on Firefox Browser Add-ons

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.14
All time rating average: 3.14

Rating filters

5 star
43% (3)
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3 star
14% (1)
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14% (1)
1 star
29% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-03-17 全民三退解体中共邪教
2021-09-24 Lin Onetwo 填表单应该挺好用的,但是会导致 Github 的搜索框自动弹出下拉框,遮挡界面导致误触。
2020-11-02 martineau Good idea, but lacks a way to disable itself on certain websites, which make it unusable as far as I'm concerned.
2020-09-19 ciuly Does not work. Even after restart. I do have other tab-related add-ons: tab mix plus, simple tab groups and group speed dial. I assume it's not compatible with one of them.
2020-05-14 Trixx Darthor Simple and effective. It seems a restart after installation is required for it to work properly. Thank you for this witty add-on and hail to the memory of you. You seem to have been a good guy.
2020-01-13 Firefox user 13789630
2018-03-30 Firefox user 13663425 not working