Anti Youtube adblock blocker

Automatically closes the YouTube ad blocker message.

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2.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Anti Youtube adblock blocker on Firefox Browser Add-ons

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Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 2.60

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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-11-03 quantumperplexity It doesn't work at all with the updated Google YouTube Adblocker. I even disabled Adblock on the YouTube site, and I still get the warning. Maybe a future update to this extension will solve this?
2023-10-27 Firefox user 18118578 Hello , I am here to tell you about a glitch with youtube adblocker blocker that let's you to use adblocker without triggering adblocker blocker. 1.Turn off adblocker. 2.Reset the page. 3.Turn on your adblocker 4. Avoid going to the previous page or refreshing the page. To launch new video just look it up and click on it. I hope this glitch will be helpfull with upgrading adblocker blocker blocker/Anti Youtube adblock blocker. And about the thingy I think it works.
2023-10-27 Firefox user 18117531 Installed on Firefox. Unlocked downloaded (and blocked) YouTube tabs immediately. Unfortunately did not work for the new tabs. Such a shame. Thanks for trying to work around that nonsense.
2023-10-21 Nico Steyl Doesn't work. Message still showing adblockers not allowed
2023-10-19 Zephlon