Just living is not enough, said the butterfly, One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen TAGS mauve red violet viola chantilly and coffee bean pear blossom tree springtime summer dodger blue sky anakiwa cumulus clouds autumn desert red butterfly & confetti yellow butterfly butterflies perfume pink lavender and vivid violet windswept petals wind fall nature bright sunshine rays of light fluttering butterfly wings =^..^= SaSSyGirL X o X o
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  "theme": {
    "images": {
      "theme_frame": "ANIMATEDSPRINGSEASON.png"
    "colors": {
      "frame": "#76c3ff",
      "tab_background_text": "#33ffff"
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  "name": "ANIMATED SPRING",
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  "description": "Just living is not enough, said the butterfly, One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower. \n~Hans Christian Andersen\n\nTAGS\nmauve red violet viola chantilly and coffee bean pear blossom tree springtime summer dodger blue sky anakiwa cumulus clouds autumn desert red butterfly  & confetti yellow butterfly butterflies perfume pink lavender and vivid violet windswept petals wind fall nature bright sunshine rays of light fluttering butterfly wings\n\n  =^..^=  \nSaSSyGirL \n X  o  X  o"