Activate Left Tab On Close

When the currently active tab is closed, always switch to the one on the left of it.

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4.47 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Activate Left Tab On Close on Firefox Browser Add-ons
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-19 远离中共邪教快退出党团队
2023-09-10 Cc Exactly what i needed. Thank you.
2023-06-07 Andre Bell OMG! Where have you been all my life!!! Wish I found you sooner. Major productivity enhancer. Now I can finish working on the left tab w/o getting distracted by new tabs I do not yet want to jump to to the right. TY for creating this add-on! Works perfectly for me thus far.
2023-01-28 Firefox user 13786650
2022-12-22 GanJingWorld Gan Jing World is a clean, curated universe and a dynamic, overlapping network of integrated platforms and services. ==>
2022-09-09 Trashify Works great.
2020-12-03 SpankyPants
2019-09-04 Firefox user 14620180
2019-02-11 Firefox user 14622398 activate the right tab first,and turn to the left tab
2018-12-15 Sweet_cookie It works. But it very annoying, because if you already have a lot of tabs open, and when I open a link in new tab, all tab panel rotates to the left.
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