This lucky little lady bug
has landed here to stay
To make my garden pretty
and keep the weeds away.
~ Author Unknown
colorful red and white speckled summer ladybug on a winter green leaf with crystal morning dew falling from the leaves
(") (") SaSSyGirL
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2016-03-10 | Oleksandr Zavalov | Amazing ladybug! | |
2013-05-02 | Orsetto | Just perfect! Especially because it allows you to see everything very well: icons and text!! | |
2013-04-28 | atalaia-1364594162.97 | Excelente, eu realmente admiro o seu trabalho ;) | |
2013-04-26 | Marziya | its good | |
2013-04-19 | Brett | Not saturated just simple, lovely, love it. | |
2013-04-18 | Hadi Kamel | Thanks So lovely | |
2013-04-02 | robin2p | Truly lovely ladybug. It looks like spring, it's cute and I like the fact I can still see my tool bars and other text with ease.Thanks. |