Microsoft Edge Dark by Stylefox

A beautiful dark theme for Firefox inspired by Microsoft Edge's dark theme.
Premium users can view and search full source code, and see the source code differences between two versions.
Upgrade to premium
  "name": "Microsoft Edge Dark",
  "author": "Stylefox",
  "manifest_version": 2,
  "version": "1.0",
  "theme": {
    "colors": {
      "frame": "rgba(43, 43, 43, 1)",
      "frame_inactive": "rgba(43, 43, 43, 1)",
      "tab_background_text": "rgba(233, 233, 233, 1)",
      "tab_background_separator": "rgba(85, 85, 85, 1)",
      "tab_text": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)",
      "tab_line": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "tab_loading": "rgba(123, 123, 123, 1)",
      "tab_selected": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "icons": "rgba(242, 242, 242, 1)",
      "icons_attention": "rgba(0, 120, 215, 1)",
      "toolbar": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "bookmark_text": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)",
      "toolbar_top_separator": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "toolbar_bottom_separator": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "toolbar_vertical_separator": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "toolbar_field": "rgba(55, 55, 55, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_text": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_text_focus": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_highlight": "rgba(0, 120, 215, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_highlight_text": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_focus": "rgba(55, 55, 55, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_border": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_separator": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "toolbar_field_border_focus": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "button_background_hover": "rgba(46, 46, 46, 1)",
      "button_background_active": "rgba(23, 23, 23, 1)",
      "popup": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)",
      "popup_text": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)",
      "popup_border": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "popup_highlight": "#003056",
      "popup_highlight_text": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
      "ntp_background": "rgba(241, 241, 241, 1)",
      "ntp_text": "rgba(21, 21, 21, 1)",
      "sidebar": "rgba(31, 31, 31, 1)",
      "sidebar_border": "rgba(91, 91, 91, 1)",
      "sidebar_text": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 1)",
      "sidebar_highlight": "#5b5b5b",
      "sidebar_highlight_text": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"