Matching Desktop Wallpaper by beextremo : ( tags: girl goth gothic dark fantasy surreal horror romantic eyes lips black long hair branches trees wood magic magical elf little fairy witch sorcery scary woods turquoise blue sky birds night twilight pretty girly sad alone wind emotive pink red spooky)
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"theme": {
"images": {
"theme_frame": "Forest-Child-HeaderEDITED.jpg"
"colors": {
"frame": "#001617",
"tab_background_text": "#bcf7ef"
"version": "2.0",
"name": "Forest Child",
"manifest_version": 2,
"description": "Matching Desktop Wallpaper by beextremo : <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> ( tags: girl goth gothic dark fantasy surreal horror romantic eyes lips black long hair branches trees wood magic magical elf little fairy witch sorcery scary woods turquoise blue sky birds night twilight pretty girly sad alone wind emotive pink red spooky)"